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Balthazar is a vampire. He does not require real food to sustain himself, but instead must drink the life force(or blood) from another living creature to survive. ➵ Heightened Senses: beacuse of his vampire nature Balthazar's sense of smell, sight, and hearing are heightened. This allows him to see perfectly in pitch darkness. He can hear further and other frequencies most others can not! His sense of smell is also sharper than average allowing him to catch various scents from further away, and can trace trails that are more than a few days old. !! his heightened senses are also as much a disadvantage as they are an advantage!! - his eyes are very sensitive to bright light or sunlight, making him reliant on sunglasses or goggles so he wont be left blind! - his hearing is accute, and high-pitched or overly loud sounds can confuse or stun him. ✧ direct sunlight can / will inflict burns, rashes, and cause general lethargic symptoms. ⭃ Balthazar must feed every 3 days to avoid going into a bloodthirsty phase. |
Balthazar is able to manipulate the area, and emotions around himself and others. Using Illusion magic requires a lot of focus. If his focus is broken, so is the illusion. If using it on someone else they must stay within his eye contact. General illusion effects will only afflict those in close proximity of Balthazar (7 foot area around him.) If he is using the magic. So passers by within said area may catch glimpses, sounds, or breif feeling from the magic. |
Balthazar can change his shape and features at will. To pretty much anything he likes. Changing shape does require a lot of energy, and the change is usually painful. He has THREE familiar shapes he uses often that require less effort. |
Balthazar is able to lift objects over 50lbs his own weight. The larger & heavier the object the more energy required. |